Maximize Performance 365 Days a Year emphasizes a holistic, cyclical approach for leaders to support the performance of their employees all year long. It is not a workshop about performance management in the traditional sense. In this workshop, we emphasize “maximizing performance” as a continual leadership responsibility, and we introduce a model we call the leadership engine – a three-phase cycle for day-to-day management of performance. The model focuses specifically on:
- Defining expectations and goals with employees
- Monitoring performance on an ongoing basis
- Intentionally coaching employees throughout the year.
Introduction: This workshop provides participants with skills and techniques to enhance their effectiveness in maximizing employee performance, day in and day out. Participants explore three key components for maximizing performance and develop action plans to increase team clarity, motivation and effectiveness.
Payoff: After completing this workshop, participants will:
- Be familiar with the ongoing, interdependent activities needed to maximize employee performance 365 days a year.
- Understand how to define and clarify expectations and goals for performance.
- Know how to write SMART goals.
- Recognize the importance of establishing consistent monitoring strategies every day to ensure that employees are successful.
- Explore ways to apply coaching skills when reviewing and discussing performance.
Maximizing performance is a process, not an event. The three distinct elements of the leadership engine for maximizing performance are:
- Define performance
- Monitor performance
- Coach performance
Defining performance is a crucial first step in maximizing employee performance. It involves setting clear expectations and goals up front for greater results and employee success.
- What expectations do you have for your employees relative to conduct, attendance and performance?
- What key expectations would you list on an expectations charter?
- What specific performance goals must be set?
- How do you use SMART goals for success?
SMART goals ensure that goals are clear and well defined:
Agreed upon
Monitoring performance involves four critical activities:
- Observation
- Collection of data and feedback
- Check-in discussions
- Self-monitoring by employees
As part of monitoring, participants are encouraged to plan and enlist documentation strategies to use throughout the year. They are also encouraged to schedule routine one-on-ones with their team members. One-on-ones are formally scheduled conversations with employees that occur with a consistent cadence – weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
Coaching performance enables leaders to help employees stay on track toward, and even develop beyond, their current levels of performance. Coaching works best when leaders coach continually – both as situations arise and at routine intervals throughout the year. Leaders who make the mistake of coaching only at review time lose valuable opportunities to grow and sustain employee motivation, engagement and performance.
Summary: A leader’s chief responsibility involves getting results through others, and that is best achieved by taking intentional steps toward maximizing employee performance, 365 days a year. Defining, monitoring and coaching performance, routinely and continually, are the keys to success – for individuals, the team and the organization!